Sunday, March 12, 2017

Responsible Use of Social Media

In 2015, a girl made the news when she was fired before she even began working for making crass comments about her new job on Twitter (Durando 2015). The story did not come as much of a surprise to me because my mother works in a profession where she deals with similar cases of employees' inappropriate posts on social media, and she used to tell me about some of them to remind me to be careful of what I post publicly. Social media can be beneficial for students if it is used properly, but it can also cut short their opportunities before they have even begun. With the poster I made for the class project of meeting ISTE standard 4, I attempted to highlight the benefits of proper social media use and the consequences of improper social media use, along with behaviors that fit into both categories.

Durando, J. (2015). Young woman fired over Twitter before starting job. USA Today. Retrieved from

Knorr, C. (2016). How Colleges Use Kids’ Social Media Feeds. Common Sense Media. Retrieved from

Livingston, Anne. (2015). The Social Resume Do’s and Don’ts of Posting Online. Stop Medicine Abuse. Retrieved from

Rapacon, Stacy. (2016). How using social media can get you fired. CNBC. Retrieved from

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